Mustard – For Colds and Rheumatism – Monastic Recipes


Mustard has many health properties, especially in the treatment of colds and rheumatism.

Net weight 40g

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Estimated Delivery: 3-10 working days SKU: BOT.STM.066 Categories: , , , Παθήσεις: Cold, Rheumatism

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Mustard is a weed of the fields and can be found almost everywhere. It has vibrant yellow flowers that form clusters, and the leaves are of medium size and alternate.

The young leaves are used as a seasoning in salads, while the larger leaves are used as a vegetable. The seeds are ground, and the powder is used as a seasoning for white mustard.

For therapeutic purposes, the seeds are primarily used, which are collected at the end of the summer.


Mustard, aside from the well-known mustard condiment, has many therapeutic properties.

It is excellent as a seasoning, unless we suffer from an ulcer.

It is extremely useful in cases of chronic constipation, provided that the person takes small doses and does not experience any irritation in the digestive system. Warning!! If consumed in large quantities, it can cause diarrhea. It also has excellent diuretic properties, and when used in gargles, it helps with irritation of the tonsils, cough, and laryngitis.

As a poultice or compress, it is antipyretic and anti-inflammatory. Poultices applied to the painful area help soothe the pain of neuralgia and rheumatism.


The mustard seeds, ground and mixed with salt and two tablespoons of oil, make an ointment for poultices that can be applied to the painful area.

Contraindications: It is contraindicated in lung inflammations and tuberculosis, in individuals with kidney disease, and those with high blood pressure. An allergic reaction, skin irritation, and mucosal irritation may occur.

Properties: ● They increase blood circulation (poultice). ● Treatment for colds (local or general bath). ● Neuralgia (local or general bath). ● Rheumatism (local or general bath). ● Improvement of blood circulation (local or general bath). ● Improvement of stomach function (chewing seeds).

Net weight 40g

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Weight 0,05 kg


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