Hyssop Tincture (Hyssopus Officinalis) – Bronchitis & Chronic Catarrh – Monastic Recipe


The Hyssop Tincture (*Hyssopus Officinalis*) is primarily used for the treatment of bronchitis and chronic catarrh. Additionally, it helps in cases of hysteria and mild epilepsy.

Net weight 50ml

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Estimated Delivery: 3-10 working days SKU: VAM.STM.074 Categories: , Παθήσεις: Cold, Cough, Expectorant

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Hyssop (Hyssopus Officinalis) is an herb known since ancient times. Hippocrates used it for pleurisy, and Dioscorides recommended it for asthma and cataracts, often in combination with wormwood. Its name derives from the Hebrew Esob and is frequently mentioned in the Bible.

Hyssop contains up to 2% essential oil (mainly pinocamphone), flavonoids, a glycoside (hyssopine), diosmin, oleanolic acid, and tannin up to 8%. The Hyssop Tincture acts as an antispasmodic, expectorant, diaphoretic, calming, and antiseptic. Hyssop has a wide range of applications, most of which are due to the antispasmodic action of the bitter compound it contains (maruine). It is used for cough, bronchitis, and chronic catarrh. Its diaphoretic properties make it beneficial for the common cold. It can also serve as a neurotonic in conditions of anxiety, hysteria, and mild epilepsy.

It can be combined for cough and bronchitis with Elderberry, Sage, Mint, Thyme, Coltsfoot, Licorice, and Althea. For the common cold, it can be combined with Agrimony, Echinacea, Propolis, Sea Buckthorn, and Garlic. It also blends well with Raspberry and Eucalyptus.

Τι είναι το Βάμμα:

The tincture is created by steeping herbs in an alcoholic solution (grapa), usually over a period of a few weeks. During this, the active ingredients of the herbs dissolve in the alcoholic solution. This specific process results in the tincture retaining all the beneficial properties of the herbs to the fullest.

Herbal drops are highly concentrated herbal extracts in a natural alcoholic solution. They retain all their active ingredients and are completely natural.


15-20 drops in water twice a day for a month. Take a break for ten days and repeat. Shake before use.


Avoid use by children under 12 years of age, during pregnancy, breastfeeding and medication.


Water, ethyl alcohol, naturally cultivated hyssop.

Οδηγίες Αποθήκευσης:

Store in a dark and cool place for about two years.

Net weight 50ml

Additional information

Weight 0,120 kg

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