Basil – Anxiolytic & Antispasmodic – Monastic Recipes


Basil is not accidentally included among the so-called “herbs of happiness,” as its wonderful fragrance and properties help with depression and combat anxiety and nervousness. It is a “treasure” of Greek nature.

Net weight: 40 g

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Estimated Delivery: 3-10 working days SKU: BOT.STM.017 Categories: , , , Παθήσεις: Antiseptic, Expectorant, Headache, Insect repellent, Insomnia, Memory, Stimulation, stress, Tranquilizer, Weariness

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Basil for Combating Headaches and Anxiety

Basil is one of the most important herbs that Greek nature offers us. Some of its characteristic properties include improving blood circulation, helping with memory problems, and combating depression. It also helps with anxiety and nervousness, while contributing to peaceful and good sleep. It is a powerful natural insect repellent, and according to folk tradition, “where basil grows, evil does not enter.”

Properties of Basil

Basil stimulates the stomach and is an excellent tonic. It is considered a digestive antispasmodic, anti-bloating (helps with the elimination of gases), galactagogue, diuretic, and helps soothe abdominal spasms. It is effective against dizziness and nervous migraines and also helps improve breathing. It is used for gas and headaches as well.
Known as the “herb of happiness,” basil stimulates the nervous system, combats stress, anxiety, and mental fatigue, and aids in concentration. It also has antiseptic and expectorant properties and is considered an excellent diaphoretic.

Preparation Methods

Boil a teaspoon of the herb in water for two to three minutes. Let it steep for a moment, strain, and it is ready for consumption. Alternatively, you can add a teaspoon of basil to a cup of boiling water and let it steep for about ten minutes. Strain and drink the infusion.
Net weight: 40 g

Additional information

Weight 0,05 kg

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