Mixture of Sausages Spices


The most aromatic and delicious mixture to give sausages a rich taste and an amazing smell.

Ingredients: paprika, onion, garlic, pepper, mustard, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cement, fennel, kumel, nutmeg, chili, ginger, oregano, savory, dextrose (wheat), salt, sugar.

Net weight 50gr

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The Sausage Spice Blend is a freshly ground seasoning powder with a rich texture and amazing aroma.

Use: You can pour some of the mixture onto the sausages before baking or frying them for extra extra flavor.

For those of you who make sausages yourself at home, pour and mix 1 tablespoon of the mixture into 500g of minced meat mixture.

Ingredients: paprika, onion, garlic, pepper, mustard, cumin, coriander, turmeric, cement, fennel, kumel, nutmeg, chili, ginger, oregano, savory, dextrose (wheat), salt, sugar.

Net weight 50gr

Additional information

Weight 0,06 kg

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