The Psalterion – With a Short Interpretation in Elementary School


The Psalter is the best and richest prayer book of our Church. That is why it is used in all her holy Masses. Psalms must be read at Vespers and Afternoons, at Midnight and at Orthros, at the Hours and at the Divine Liturgy.

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Whoever reverently held in his hands the sacred Psalter, the divinely inspired book containing the 150 Psalms of David and other poets of the Old Testament era, who studied it carefully and made it a fervent prayer and cry of his soul, he has to know a way of life that is true and holy, a way of seeking and meeting God and deeply comforting his soul.
He above all learned to praise God from the depths of his soul, because the Psalter is mainly a book of wonderful hymns of the greatness of God, which were sung in the time of the Old Testament with the accompaniment of stringed instruments, such as the psalter. That is why the set of these hymns got the name “Psalterio”.

The Psalter is the best and richest prayer book of our Church. That is why it is used in all her holy Masses. Psalms must be read at Vespers and Afternoons, at Midnight and at Orthros, at the Hours and at the Divine Liturgy. In monasteries, the so-called Seats of the Psalter are added to the services, that is, groups of consecutive Psalms. And so within the cycle of the Sermons of the week, the entire Psalter, and its 150 Psalms, is read once.
And during Great Lent it is read twice a week. So much is it loved by our Church and so much permeates its life.

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